#81 FOSDEM Weekend
Update on what happened across the GNOME project in the week from January 27 to February 03.
Sonny announces
It’s FOSDEM time! FOSDEM is a free event for software developers to meet, share ideas and collaborate.
It’s happening this weekend in Brussels on Saturday 04/02 and Sunday 05/02.
Find us at the GNOME booth or join the GNOME social event.
GNOME Development Tools
GNOME Builder
IDE for writing GNOME-based software.
hergertme reports
Builder’s project tree has been ported away from GtkTreeView to GtkListView to improve scalability and allow for more modern features going forward. This also includes support for Drag-n-Drop using the new GTK 4 APIs.
hergertme says
Builder also has received updates to global search to support filtering and previewing search results.
GNOME Incubating Apps
Sophie announces
Loupe has been accepted into the GNOME Incubator. The GNOME incubation process is for apps that are designated to be accepted into GNOME Core or GNOME Development Tools if they reach the required maturity.
The target for Loupe is to become the new Image Viewer in GNOME Core. You can track the progress in the the Core milestone.
A simple and modern image viewer.
Sophie says
While we are busy working on the core part of Loupe – the image-loading machinery – we still have a bunch of news:
- Landed a change in GTK that allows us to use swipe gestures to navigate through images
- Mostly re-implemented image browsing fixing many bugs and making navigating through images much smoother
- Added support for moving images to the trash
- Added tracking of changes in image directory and reloading images when changed
- Added a bunch of missing shortcuts
- Fixed many small bugs
GNOME Circle Apps and Libraries
Fast and secure file transfer.
Fina announces
Warp 0.4 has been released with QR Code support. Scan the code with any of the supported apps and begin the transfer immediately.
Other new features: Select custom save location and seasonal progress bar colors.
We also have experimental Windows support now, see README.md for more details.
A simple UML and SysML modeling tool.
Arjan announces
The next release of Gaphor will have full dark-mode integration, even in the diagrams. The CSS features for diagrams have been extended to allow for special styling for dark and light mode.
Third Party Projects
Fyodor Sobolev announces
Cavalier is an audio visualizer based on CAVA. Now it has 4 drawing modes, several new options to customize interface, keyboard shortcuts for changing most of the settings on the fly, and an ability to import/export settings.
lwildberg says
This week the app “Schemes”, an app to create and edit syntax highlighting style-schemes for GtkSourceView written by Christian Hergert, was submitted to flathub and is now available there. Have fun while being creative and produce beautiful new styles!
Iman Salmani announces
I’m working on a iplan application for planning personal life and workflow. its not ready for publish but i cant stop myself.(mybe its ready for next week) i have warm welcome to contribution and suggestions. in version 1 i will focus on offline features and availability.
Fyodor Sobolev reports
Hello TWIG! My first post here, I should have started writing here earlier, but better late than never 😅 Time Switch is an app to run tasks after a timer. In the latest release there was added an ability to set clock time in 24h format when a timer should finish, and also a timer can now be paused.
Daniel Wood announces
Design, a 2D computer aided design (CAD) application for GNOME was released this week. Features:
- Supports the industry standard DXF format
- Uses common CAD workflows, commands and canvas management
- Drawing creation and manipulation using command line or toolbar input
- Layer management and manipulation
- Entity interrogation and modification
Design 43-alpha2 is available from Flathub: https://flathub.org/apps/details/io.github.dubstar_04.design
A pure wayland shell for mobile devices.
Guido says
This week we released phosh 0.24.0 and related components for the Linux based mobile phones near you. See here for a summary of changes.
That’s all for this week!
See you next week, and be sure to stop by #thisweek:gnome.org with updates on your own projects!